Eastern exposure in the Onboard mag. As we reported, last season Sebi and Jens guided photographer Peter Lundström, the Strauss brothers, Torgeir Berre and Mel from onboard through the hood of ours. The article is following in the next issue. Go get it your way!
Tobi, Jens & Sebi at the wall. (actual issue)
Awesome dude! Sebi got the toilet paper page in the last issue, thats all he ever wanted. Stoney balloney drop at Sausmi Kat`s hideout.
What a sick motherfucker! can´t wait for the mag!
AntwortenLöschenfuck the head! hes fuckin useless when not rifing a skateboard! do that shit on 4 wheels for some real credit!
AntwortenLöschenthe dude is rippin ona skateboard