I`ts unbelievable!
Seems like Sebi hides 24/7 in his dungeon cutting realms and only comes out to do another one. But dont worry; we heard he skates a lot too.
The 4th eurorealm is about the Shredfest in Ninive.
Watch the realm here and go further down to read the article.
Shredniks Shredfest 2009

All the snow of past season has melted away, the meadows are green again, flowers and herbs sprout out in colour and the chance to shred moved far away to the snow domes and glaciers around the world.
Its springtime and we all knew that it would happen one time.
But this time is also Shredfest time! Five years ago our friends the Shredniks had the idea to hold down a summer jam in their D.I.Y. backyard play and fun area in Ninive.
Two truck loads of artificial snow were enough to cover up the set up that consisted of two several runs. A smooth one with pole jam, slidepipe and wallride, and the og stair setup.
So, the 5th edition went down on the 16th of May and you must have been lucky to know that, because the Shredniks guys are kind of underground and dont want a big crowd to be there or even a contest.
But the plan is not always working out for them, because there were a lot of people shredding around having a good time enjoing the familiar atmosphere.
The moods went from chilled out to super hyped on shredding and on this point I have to mention some rider names that put it down that day. I know there was no competition but if there would have been one, my list would be like that:
Stair setup - SAZ and Fabian did some amazing shit and I would holla out a tie on that one
The man - Marcel Dextor is the main guy! I`ts his backyard and he put in tons of work for
us to have fun
MVP - Peat was strapped in the fever
Best slam - Ben
But whatever, contest shit and competition is second place, the first price goes out to springtime events like this!
The JRBK crew had an awesome time at the Shredniks park and we want to thank everyone who made this possible!