Freitag, 28. August 2009

IODINE GAS´n´Stiches

Our two Good friends Johannes aka Yo! Anus and Chris went on a little adventure last year and i have to say: "this is the uglyest surf edit i´ve ever seen, and it´s good like that!"
Don´t Believe the hype!

Donnerstag, 27. August 2009

Skate and Party here!

Hang with us, skate and watch Eibenstocks new snowboardvideo.

Mittwoch, 26. August 2009

Use your markers!

Montag, 24. August 2009

Monday Poll: Future Trends

Video Games, Olympics, Fashion Waves, Industry Crisis etc. What is going to be the next big thing that snowbarding has to give it`s blood for?
1. Hardboot freestyle- Imagine somebody in his suite would slice a perfect turn on the gates to backlip a 20 stair.
2.Regular size pants- Everybody would listen to the haters and changing theyr tight or wide shit to random.
3.Comeback wave of retarded pros- From all of the shit that is listed here, THIS could probably happen. I mean, look at skateboarding. And a lot of snowboarders love to copy their shit.
4. Energy Drink snowboards- Fuckk, if this is ever going to happen, Id be hatin the people who support that shit!
5. 1440° onefoot on a box?
6. Back to the roots- Everybody will become BTR style, have more respect to the nature and be intrested in it`s history. (Not only fashion wise)
7. Im not going to vote


Donnerstag, 20. August 2009

It´s A(ir) Blast!

Our good Friends at AIRBLASTER Have their new site online right now!
so go and check the 2009/2010 Product! You can be sure that you find a lot of it in our soon coming webshop! If you like special products you see there please contact us we might can get some of it for you just mail to

Airblaster Hamburger Shirt by Peat, printed in the U.S.A, grafiks out of east germany!

Dienstag, 18. August 2009

Send me a Postcard Darling

The surprise hit me hard this afternoon. I opened my mailbox today and in between tons of supermarket flyers i found a postcard from our good old, and now in norway exil living friend Luke.
I first saw the backside of the card and he wants me to "holla out to the whole gang and tell him i`m fine". He is going to live in trondheim from now on and i´m pretty sure you gonna see him shred in a "whenever" releasing JRBK in norway roadtrip flick. Thank you luke for beeing a good friend from day one we love you!

Samstag, 15. August 2009

Sketch Feature: Marvis

Marvi`s impression of snowboarders as a sk8 rat. We`d give it a 50-50 truth.

Please send us your sketches about whatever to
Were going to post your drawing right in here and the sickest one wins a awesome surprise.
Dont`be a fool.

Donnerstag, 13. August 2009

TROPOLL against drunk shredding!

Just wanna say thank you to all you guys for beeing part of the latest poll.
I´m kinda scared that "snowboarding with a hangover felt so good" went out to be the most popular answer on our poll (32%)! For me personally Snowboarding with a hangover felt bad as fuck! But whatever I'm proud that "the whole fridge was rails and boxes" went on second place (23%) cause the whole tropcamp team did a pretty good job on shaping the setup! Place 3 for "people went swimming in the poison filled lake" (20%), I can tell you what, swimming in there is way more suicidal than jumping out of 100 mph driving car! So be careful next time cause you might spend a couple weeks in the hospital after dropin in that puddle. The 4th (14%) was "not breaking my bones trying that trick" just try to not get drunk that hard next year and spend more time shredding cause I want this to be number one after the next fridge adventure. Last and least in our little poll was "going for a shower and catching hot water"(8%) what made me kinda mad cause maybe I was the only dumb dude always showering after you in glacier lake cold water.

So check back on monday! Cause there will be a weekly Poll from now on and I hope your on!
Vote or die! , P

Montag, 10. August 2009

Polish Connection

so your a snowboarder right? did you ever heard of shredders named like: Wojtek Pawlusiak, Mateusz Zielonka or Radek Czastkiewicz? no? ooo you missed out massive! well okay, no worries!
just have a look at the trailer for there new, upcoming snowboardflick named "Magic Moments". and get wet watching thoose guys doing handrails nasty as fuck!

Magic Moments teaser MEP 2009 from on Vimeo.

Mittwoch, 5. August 2009


Sebi Müller aka Black Sebhead makes us proud as fuck in TJ Schneider´s Snowboardrealms the Shot episode 4.

good work butthead!

Dienstag, 4. August 2009


we are proud to intruduce you this years Summercamp high rollers.
and a newsarticle about it in the snowboarder MBM blog .

BEST SLAM: BEN for hitting the rail with booth schinbones wich is called the "BENSLIDE" from now on.

MOST POP: SEBI for just poping over all the stuff you scared to jump on. see him jumping over your house soon

WORST FOOD: MICK continues his long historie of bad food with bread toped with 6 slices of salami, liversausage and garlic sauce.

BEST STUNT: SAZ Airwalks with a snowscooter and im sure he´s going for a tailwhip next camp.

MOST PFEFFI: BONE for killing 6 bootles of Pepermint liqour in 2 days. ask him for a "U-Boot"

LAST MAN STANDING: MARX for going to bed when everybody else is about to go for breakfast.

HARD DANCE: PEAT for keeping the party alive with rediculas dance moves. battle him for money and you gonna live under the bridge soon.

REAL RAP: Krause for the real rap charma in beetween 100 longshirt wiggas. roots homie!

BEST GIRL: ADA for attacking every rail in the fridge and not having a girl snowboardstyle.